Life isn't about suffering with anxiety, fear and stress. We deserve to enjoy life! kan kan?
1. get up 15 minutes earlier - every morning okay, not every evening and dun ever snoozing!!!
2. elak pakai baju ketat - have smooth breathing, klu ketat nk duduk pun payah. paling penting DOSA!!
3. dun rely on ur memory, write it down - melayu mudah lupa. setuju?
4.avoid -ve people - MUST do!! manusia adalah makhluk yang paling mudah terpengaruh. kadang2 dalam 10 saat boleh tukar 3,4 kali keputusan. x ke bahaya tu!
5. simplify meal times - jangan main bantai je. kadang2 aku pun x sengaja, time constraint!
6. say sumthing nice to someone - behave urself. they'll respect us if we do the same. believe me!
7. take a bubble bath - with or without bath-tub, u can enjoy this way very much! its fun!!
8. stop bad habits - it may takes much time, but try to reduce it time by time
9. do it today! - what ever cross ur mind rite now, try to complete it by today! make sure 'it' make sense!!
10. become a better listener - listen to other's prob and xperience it.
11. know ur limitations and let others know them too - dun force!!
12. take a different route to work - try it and it works! u'll enjoy the journey. ;-)
13. write a note to a long-lost fren - u'll notice dat u enjoy writing. much things to write! but dun write to a stranger! ekekeke
14. cook a never try meal - enjoy ur meal and share wit ur fren
15. remember dat u always have optionS - never regret!!! unless buat DOSA BESAR. Kena taubat nasuha. Dia Maha Penerima taubat.
16. Get enuff sleep - no more midnite movies + OT.
17. Talk less and listen more - diam itu lebih baik. kan? Tp biarlah berisi. ;-)
18. freely praise other people - u'll be appreciated! biar ikhlas yee...
19. Just breathe... lengthen your exhale to double the inhale.
20. Last but the least... dekat kan diri dengan-Nya, read the Furqan everyday wpun hanya satu ayat. Ketenangan yang azali. :-)
"Take one day at a time.... you have the rest of your life to live." ~ Dr. Carole KunkleMiller.
Good luck!
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